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Cassandra Labairon

The neighbor rips the small wooden shed—

home to hornets, field mice and raccoons—

off its foundation, drags it to the far corner

of his property. There it might rot for years,

but one night, after too many whiskey shots,

he wants fire, gasoline and destruction:

smoke and flames you can see for miles.


And when it is over, the barren, scorched

ground morns until snow arrives, a cold

welcoming lover. Ground accepts; together

they rest until an early thaw, when thin green

blades open earth. Dandelions know how

to heal soil; deep roots sink down and call

to the gods. Soon, yellow will praise light.



Cassandra Labairon is a poet/artist from Minnesota. Her second chapbook, And the Road Will Take You There, published by Spoon River Poetry Press, was written in conjunction with a mixed media series. Her poems were published in the anthology Farming Word, edited by Bill Holm and in numerous literary magazines.

Image Credit: Emma Grey Rose, "Oregon Lavender Fields"

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