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Cruel Salvation
Julián David Bañuelos
From beneath el agua, la escucho.
Here, I am no different than a minnow.
Prisoner to the light-dark boundary
throbbing like a cloudless sky. A ripple
by your hand touches and turns las sombras.
The afternoon carefully slides itself
over our bodies, devouring dreams
where your sweet scent breaches these cold waters.
The savage smell of fresh chrysanthemums
sits above the surface like a thick fog.
Your hand returns, plumage matching medio-
día and dashes through like a shooting
star. You, my siren, each day all summer
from above the water, me sacabas!
Julián David Bañuelos is a Mexican-American poet and translator from Lubbock, TX. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. You can find his work at
Photo Credit: Emilee Luke, "Fracture Flow"
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