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Waiting for the day

Jared Pearce
An entire island near
the end or beginning, and
Christina recalled making
wishes and blowing out
            She and Katy
and Kim and I plucked every
one, all our wishes flying,
drifting among the sharp
grasses, lost on the asphalt
deserts, so many
                            we started
aiming the seeds at each other,
hoping to stick
                             our dreams
on each other’s skins, caught
in our hair,
             our eyes, driving
our hopes so
                          our mouths
almost sore.
              Up to Merrill Hall
I showed them how to snap
a dandelion in the neck
to watch its whole head bell
curve up and out.

Jared Pearce grew up in California and now lives in Iowa. Website:

Image Credit: Jason Geer

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