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Hungry for Home

Steve Cushman
Growing up, the stink of cigarettes
was everywhere. Car rides with
windows rolled up. Countless packs
of Parliament 100’s and Camels
on TV stands, end tables, even
the center of our dining room table.
While a part of me hated the smell
of cigarette smoke, it was also home,
love even, wrapped up in every hug
I ever received from my parents.
Perhaps that’s why last Tuesday
I followed a man in a Charlotte Hornets
jersey around Harris Teeter for five minutes,
breathing in the trail of cigarettes
wafting off his clothes. It was almost
like being home. Almost.

Steve Cushman is the author of three novels, including Portisville, winner of the 2004 Novello Literary Award. He has published two poetry chapbooks, and his first full-length collection, How Birds Fly, won the 2018 Lena Shull Book award. His latest collection, The Last Time, was published by Unicorn Press in 2023. Cushman lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, and works in the IT department at Cone Health.

Image Credit: Jason Geer

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